Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to Prototyping for Innovation! After this course, you.. 

    • will be familiar with key principles in purpose-driven experimentation 
    • will be able to produce a range of prototypes of different forms and different levels of fidelity 
    • can plan and execute meaningful experiments to develop ideas further in innovation projects 
    • are able to select suitable prototyping approaches for different needs and assess prototype effectiveness

    The course offers a combination of theory, company cases and hands-on practice in purpose driven prototyping for innovation. Groupwork is utilized during class time, but all outside-class assignments are individual assignments.

    For those requiring a 6 credit course to fit their degree program, this course can be complemented with an additional 1cr self-study module, such as MEC-E3900 Prototyping tools at the Design Factory(providing lab access to the Design Factory) or a module from JOIN-E3910 Design thinking for innovation or JOIN-E3920 Ideation and creative collaboration

    Course schedule

    The course consists of workshop and prototyping sessions on Mondays and Thursdays at the Design Factory and company visits in Period III, covering a combination of theory, company cases and hands-on practice in purpose-driven prototyping for innovation. Groupwork is utilized during class time, but all outside-class assignments are individual assignments.