MUO-E0105 - Research and Inspire, Lecture, 25.10.2022-29.11.2022
This course space end date is set to 29.11.2022 Search Courses: MUO-E0105
Step 1: SEED (20p/20%)
Description: Minimum of 6 pages/slides of anything in relation to the background and context of the thing that the student is interested in. Written text and visuals so that the seed is fairly understandable on its own.
Some tips for how to get started: One way is to start by thinking about the trends to which your interest X appears to be linking. The trend can be any recognisable and changing pattern in the human history. For example, the adult attitude towards childhood has changed several times in the history; The attitude towards aging has changed; the attitude towards comfort has changed; the attitude towards digitality (is it a word?) has changed; the attitude towards education has changed... and so forth. Hardly anything has remained stable in how people in a certain community have treated something. Here is also a chance to strech your imaginative muscles: would it open new perspectives, if you link your X with a trend or change patterns that is not commonly associated with it, but still somehow seems promising direction.
On the other hand, deconstructing your interest X into its elements might be useful tactic. This is especially helpful, if your X is something general, even vague. Then it might make sense if you deconstruct X into the elements that it seems to be complied of, because then it will be easier to see which direction is most promising in opening a new perspective.
Finally, if you are really in the flow, you might do both. First deconstruction and then linking some of the deconstructed elements with trends.
Time: Based on course workload calculation, there is roughly 30 hours reserved for this step.
Format: PDF recommended. Language: English or Finnish. Class presentations (if any) in English.
Weak (0-5p)= less than 6 pages/slides. It seems like a random collection of keywords and visuals without communicating what is connecting the materials presented.
Good (6-14p)= at least 6 pages/slides of text, keywords and visualisation that form 1-3 themes the student is interested in.
Excellent (15-20p)= at least 6 pages/slides of text, keywords and visualisation that form 1-3 themes the student is interested in. The layout makes sense and helps the reader to understand the themes easily. Visualisations are succinct and of good quality. Language is nearly faultless, and communicates in an economical manner the key points.