Topic outline

  • Welcome!

    On Tuesdays, we will have a lecture or talk 13:15-14. The theme of the talks is "Mechanisms of Change", and the conceptual perspectives are fashion, innovations and practices. Through these perspectives, we cover design and lifestyle trend mechanisms, which helps us to see the different temporalities of change mechanisms, from short-term to long-term, and how these mechanisms are played out in the lived realities of communities, societies and individuals.
    The hopefully lively talk is followed by even more interactive discussion 14:15-15. The theme of the discussions is "Designing Inspiration", where we pool our knowledge, reflections and resources about the style and structuring of inspiring narrative.
    These Tuesday afternoon sessions should give more than enough ideas and support for the students to work on the course assignment. There is only one assignment, but it is divided into three separate tasks. See the section "Assignment and grading" by clicking the three lines ("hamburger") in the upper left corner of MyCourses.

    On Thursdays, there is entirely optional tutoring. Some tutorings are open walk-ins in Väre, and some are individual 20 mins slots in Zoom. Use "Scheduler" activity "Optional tutoring" at the bottom of this page for Zoom slot bookings.

    Tue 25.10.22: Q201. Slides: Short-term change: FashionIntroduction to the course
    Tue 1.11.22: F101. Slides: Diffusion of big and small trends
    Thu 3.11.22: Zoom tutoring
    Tue 8.11.22: Q201. Slides: Lifestyle research & Narrative structures + "French" design communication: trend book examples (270 MB!)
    Thu 10.11.22: P210. Optional "open doors" tutoring 13:15-14:45
    Tue 15.11.22: Q201. Slides: Practices + Presentation styles

    Thu 17.11.22: Zoom tutoring 13-16
    Tue 22.11.22: Q201. Slides: Design & transformative learning
    Thu 24.11.22: Zoom tutoring 13-16
    Tue 29.11.22: Q201. Presentations
    Instructions for presentations: About 10 minutes per student to present their narrative, including following discussion. Presentation format: free. Slides, other props, whiteboard or just talk.
    Thu 1.12.22: Zoom tutoring 13-16
    Tue 6.12.22: No class (Independence Day)
    Thu 8.12.22: Väre tutoring (location to be updated)*
    * Tutoring sessions may change from Väre to Zoom.

    Teacher's email:
    Notice that MyCourses messages are read very rarely so prefer email, class and tutoring. Heidi speaks English and Finnish.