ECON-L1300 - Empirical Industrial Organization I: Static models, Lecture, 8.1.2024-15.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 15.04.2024 Search Courses: ECON-L1300
Lecture 6 - demand and supply
This lecture is a "reading group" - type meeting. Please read carefully the paper by Döpper. MacKay, Miller and Stiebale, "Rising markups and the role of consumer preferences"(it was presented in colloquium last fall, and is R&R at JPE). Pay attention to the at least the following:
* what is the research question?
* why would one be interested? and how do the authors motivate the reader on the importance of the research question?
* what's the data? Is it fit for purpose - why and/or why not? Do you learn something useful from the descriptive analysis in relation to the objective of the paper?
* what's the model? does it fulfill the criteria we discussed in lecture 1 on the requirements of structural models? what is good and not so good about the model?
* do you understand the estimation procedure? are you satisfied it is done correctly?
* what are the key results re estimated parameters?
* what are the key conclusions based on the empirical exercise?