PHYS-C0310 - Teknillisen fysiikan laboratoriotyöt, Luento-opetus, 7.11.2021-22.5.2022
This course space end date is set to 22.05.2022 Search Courses: PHYS-C0310
Exercise 2.4 - Oscillating droplet tribometer
In this experiment, we will investigate forces acting on a ferrofluid droplet that moves on a superhydrophobic surface utilizing a ferrofluid oscillator. We will carry out some experiments as explained in the attached files, and use matlab to analyze the data. Pre-reading materials are provided in the files. Please familiarize yourself with the materials.
The time slots are available for booking PHYS-C0310_aalto-CUR-141470-3063421: Reservations for exercise 2.4 (
Location: Nanotalo, Puumiehenkuja 2 A, 02150 Espoo. Meet the assistant 5 min before the session in the lobby. (In case there was an issue with accessing the building, send an email or contact +358505767740).
Please remember that you are required to wear a face mask and follow covid-19 safety protocols in the building.Report
The first version of the report must be returned to the exercise assistant electronically no later than three weeks after making the measurements. The writing time for the second revised version, in turn, is two weeks, calculated from the assistant's invitation to the feedback session.
The reports will be returned to the assistant by email.
Material and measurement
Read carefully the instructions, where more information on the experiment and report can be found. In addition, read the sections "Kurssin suorittaminen" and "Selkkariohjeita" in MyCourses.
Assistance will be provided by Fereshteh Sohrabi.