ELEC-A7200 - Signals and Systems, Lecture, 4.9.2023-8.12.2023
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Topic outline
Welcome to the signals and systems course, Autumn 2023!
On this course you will learn about the basic concepts of signals and systems and the related methods for their analysis. These methods are fundamental when applied, for example, in signal transmission in communications systems, signal filtering and system control.
The practical arrangements are explained in the following slides: General information and course arrangements, fall 2023. Below is a quick summary of them.
The course begins with an introduction lecture on Mon 4.9. at 14:15 - 16:00 in AS2. In that lecture, we go through the practical arrangements of the course followed by a general introduction. After that there will be no more live lectures.The material in A+ includes the following: lecture videos and slides, reading material, weekly exercises and their model solutions (after the weekly deadline has passed). Additionally, there is a Finnish translation of the reading material as a single pdf-file.As a supporting material you can also, for instance, use the "classic" book Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Wilsky: Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall.Note that MyCourses is only used for general announcements and publishing the results.Course completionTypical completion of the course consists of two parts:- Weekly exercises in A+
- Two mid-term exams
The points from each activity (exercises, mid term exams) are normalized and the final course grade is then evaluated as follows: weekly exercises 30% + midterm exams 70%.All details about course completion and assessment can be found in General information and course arrangements, fall 2023. Also, information about other ways to complete the course is in the slides.Getting help/support- Ask your fellow students, use group work.
- Come to exercise sessions, where assistant are present to answer questions.
- Ask questions in Zulip: https://elec-a7200-fall-2023.zulip.aalto.fi/
- You can also send email to Pasi Lassila (head assistant, pasi.lassila@aalto.fi) or Prof. Riku Jäntti (responsible teacher, riku.jantti@aalto.fi)
More about the exercisesThere are 4 exercise sessions every week: Tue 8-10 in U5, Tue 16-18 in U351, Thu 14-16 in U3 and Thu 16-18 in U351. Assistants are present there to answer questions on the weekly exercises and to give support.You do not need to enroll to the sessions. You can freely come to any session. However, you can make a group choice below to get the session directly in your calendar. You can also change your choice at any time.