
  • Allmänt

    General Information

    Please register on WebOodi by 4.3.2019.

    The lectures start on Monday 25.2 at 12.15 in hall U356. The exercises start also on the first week of the course. The course exam is on  10.4.2019.

    The course is lectured by Ville Turunen and the head assistant is Vesa Vuojamo (emails are firstname.lastname@aalto.fi).

    Passing The Course

    There are two ways of passing the course. The first option is the course exam plus bonus points from exercises. The course exam is weighted by 2/3 and the total of exercise points by 1/3. The exercise bonus is applicable only in the course exam on 10.4. The second option is having the grade determined only by the final exam.

    The final grade is determined by the better one of these two. However, a minimum of 4 points must be scored in the exam in order to pass the course.

    Final grading
    Grade limits are
    13 -> 1,
    18 -> 2,
    23 -> 3,
    28 -> 4,
    33 -> 5.

    The grade is determined by the points in the column "result". It is either (exam + scaled exercise points) or 1.5 * exam, whichever is better (max 36). The column "scaled" is the total of exercise points scaled to [0,12].