Topic outline

  • General

    Teacher: Raimundo Gonzalez (

    Teacher's Assistant: Janani Fernandez (


    Electroacoustics (Kleiner) Available Online through Aalto
    Acoustics: Soundfields & Transducers (Beranek) Available Online through Aalto


    Stage 1: Theoretical Basics

    4.3: Course Overview & General Review

    11.3 Dynamic Analogies, Electroacoustic Modelling & Transducers.

    18.3 Radiation Models, Loudspeakers & Enclosures.

    25.3 Multiway Loudspeakers, Crossover Networks. 

    1.4 Measurement and Evaluation of Electroacoustic Systems. (Aleksi Öyry)

    Stage 2: Guest Lecturer & Workshop

    8.4 Headphones - Javier Bolañoz (Akukon)  

    15.4 No class (evaluation week) / COMSOL Assignment

    22.4 Active Loudspeakers - Juha Holm (Genelec) 

    29.4 Hearing Aids - Ville Sivonen (Helsinki University Hospital) / Final Project

    6.5 History of Electroacoustics - Juha Backman (Electroacoustic genius)  / COMSOL Assignment Deadline 

    13.5 No class (Ascension Day holiday)

    20.5 MEMs Microphones - Mikko Suvanto (MOSOMIC)

    25.5 Final Project Presentation / Final Project Deadline

    Stage 3: World Domination...


    • Attendance (10%) : Participation
      • Points: Max 10 / Min 5 

    • Guest Lecture Diaries (20%) : Listening & critical thinking
      • Points: Max 20 / Min 10
      • Max points per diary: 2 
          • 1 page. Single spaced. Font 12
      • If not attended, max points: 1.5
          • 3 pages. Single spaced. Font 12
      • Minimum amount of lecture diaries: 7
      • Lecture Diary Breakdown:
          • 1/2 point - submitting with correct length
          • 1 point - Content: Lecture summary
          • 1/2 point - Extra thinking 

    • Assignments (25%) : Theory & implementation
      • Points: Max 25 / Min 10
      • 5 Assignments
          • Points: Max 5 / Min 1
      •  Minimum assignments: 3

    • COMSOL Assignment (15%) : Modelling
      • Points: Max 15 / Min 5

    • Final Project (30%) :  Hands-on & team work
      • Points: Max 30 / Min 20