Topic outline

  • General

    TU-E2040 Management of external resources (3-5 cr)

    Course arrangement autumn 2020:

    - All lectures are online in Panopto-videos that you can watch anytime. This course have no Zoom-lectures.

    - All weekly assignment are carried out online.

    - Four case workshops will be arranged later in autumn in small groups live or online, depending of the corona situation. The practical arrangements will be announced later.

    - Guidance of the empirical assignment groups (3-4 students) live or online, depending on how the group wants.

    - Presentation of the empirical assignment final reports in December live in small groups or online, depending of the prevailing corona situation.

    Note: This course will replace or continue courses TU-22.1206, TU-22.1208 and TU-22.1330

    Learning objectives

    The purpose of the course is to familiarize the students with opportunities, challenges, principles and tools of managing resources which are outside a firm's organizational boundaries for improved effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation. After passing the course the students knows

    1) What is the significance and strategic role of external resources in contemporary organitions

    2) What are (purchasing) categories and what is their role in firm's management

    3) What is spend analysis and how it is utilized in external resource management

    4) How to design category strategies and leverage tactical sourcing levers

    5) The principles of total cost of ownership analysis and its use in external resource management

    6) What is supply market intelligence (SMI) and SMI process

    7) The systematic sourcing process and how to apply it in different situations

    8) What is the essence of interorganizational collaboration and partnerships

    9) How to leverage external resources in innovation activities

    10) The process of making systematic and justified make-or-buy decisions

    11) How to deal with the specifics of public and service purchasing

    The goal is to provide students both theoretical and conceptual tools to deeply understand the field, and the skills to solve the challenging problems in practice.

    Course material

    • Videos, Podcasts, articles, and other published material in MyCources (See section "Assignments and links to videos and readings")


    Empirical assignment (group activity)

    Weekly assignments (individual assignment)

    Quizzes (based on videos)


    3 cr (weekly assignments + workshops)

    5 cr (weekly assignments + workshops + empirical assignment)

    Enrolling to 5 credit course takes by registering in an empirical assignment group in MyCourses.


    5 credit course: Weekly assignments (exam) 60%, empirical assignment 40%

    3 credit course: Weekly assignments (exam) 100%

    Videoquizzes obligatory for all


    Kari Tanskanen and Riikkia Kaipia.