Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the course for spring 2022!

    Join the presentations via this zoom link on 25.3.2020:

    Remote lectures (Zoom)

    Course continues remotely - one reason being travels of teachers.

    Responsible teacher: prof. Thad Maloney (Thaddeus.Maloney(at)

    Second teacher: Doctoral student Elaheh Sharifizamani (Assignment with IBC online platform)


    Third teacher: University Lecturer Eero.Hiltunen(at)

    Course grading system 2022:

    1. Exam 50%

    2. e-learning group exercise 40%

    3. Learning diary on Foam Forming 10%

    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains
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      reading material on dewatering File PDF

      Read before 11.2.22 demo!

    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains
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      Lecture 1 Introduction File PDF

      Note: schedule in this file is old - see updated schedule in Word file above this

    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains
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      Article on foam forming File PDF