MEC-E4003 - Ice Mechanics D, Lecture, 14.9.2021-28.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 28.10.2021 Search Courses: MEC-E4003
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Topic outline
MEC-E4003 is an introductory course on ice mechanics. No prior knowledge on ice mechanics, but basic knowledge on solid mechanics is assumed.
The course concentrates on sea ice mechanics and provides knowledge necessary for understanding key problems in ice engineering, especially ice loads on ships and marine structures.
After the course the student will remember and understand the basic aspects of:
- Occurrence, formation and structure of sea ice,
- Different types of ice,
- Mechanical properties, failure, and modeling of sea ice as a material,
- Crushing and contact of ice with structures,
- Properties, deformation and strength of sea ice sheets / fields,
- Bearing capacity of ice.
The course includes lectures, a project work in small groups, and an exam.
The course is aimed for master's level students in mechanical and civil engineering, but all other students as welcome as well.
For detailed course information and lecture notes, see the section "Materials".
The first lecture on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 14:15 - 16:00.
In 2021 all lectures will be online. Links to the lectures will appear below. - Occurrence, formation and structure of sea ice,