Topic outline

  • General

    For this year edition of From Idea to Shelf, the students get to design a new GAME inspired by Aalto's University Radical Creativity strategy.

    NOTE 1The course will be thought in hybrid mode, as follows:

    05/11 - Online
    Meeting ID: 610 0361 9699 Passcode: Radical

    12/11 - Online
    Meeting ID: 612 8645 8333      Passcode: Radical

    19/11 - Face-to-face
    26/11 - Face-to-face

    03/12 - Online
    Meeting ID: 612 8645 8333      Passcode: Radical

    10/12 - Face-to-face

    NOTE 2: The first (05/11) and last (10/12) classes have compulsory attendance requirements (the first being online and the second face-to-face).
    If the student does not attend the first class the teacher will consider that he or she is not attending the rest of the course and replace he/she with someone from the waiting list. 
    If there are any special circumstances please inform the teacher as soon as possible.

    NOTE 3: This course has a maximum of attending 24 studentsThe selection of the 24 students will depend on their place on the enrollment list as well as on their studies background. 

    If you are not among the first 24 students I advise you to come to the first class; as often there are absent students among the enrolled ones. If you really want to take this course it is also advisable to get in touch with the responsible teacher as soon as possible to possibly get into the waiting list.

    FITS course banner 2021

    • Not available unless: You belong to S01 (SISU)
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      Class 1 resources Folder
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      Class 3 resources Folder
    • Not available unless: You belong to S01 (SISU)
      Assignment icon
      Rapid prototypes and MID REVIEW Assignment
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      Class 5 - Final steps Folder
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      Assignment icon
      Peer review Assignment
    • Not available unless: You belong to S01 (SISU)
      Assignment icon
      FITS final presentation Assignment