Topic outline

  • Welcome to Essential Academic Skills!

    • Course schedule


      TUESDAY, APRIL 19 (Writing, location U410b, Otakaari 1)

      Course introduction

      Writing session 1 (on campus)

      THURSDAY, APRIL 21 (Writing, location Y309b, Otakaari 1)

      Writing session 2 (on campus)


      TUESDAY, APRIL 26 (Writing)

      Writing session 3 (online)

      THURSDAY, APRIL 28 (Writing)

      Writing session 4 (online)


      TUESDAY, MAY 3 (Presentations, location U410b)

      Before class:

      • Prepare and submit Assignment P1: 1-minute pitch about your research to MyCourses by 10 am
      • Watch the following videos and check out the links (estimated time for going through materials 1,5-2 hours):
      • Video 1 (Communication strategy and audience analysis)
      • Video 2 (Impactful presentations 1 – plan a clear message)
      • Video 3 (Impactful presentations 2 – start and end with impact)
      • Videos on How to get your message through by Paul Savage
      • Presentation links available in the materials for presentation part; read before class

      In class:
      • Presentation structure (improv research presentations)
      • Feedback on P1 pitches


      TUESDAY, MAY 10 (Presentations, location U410b)

      Before class:

      • Prepare Assignment P2: 1-minute pitch about your research, version 2. Given in class.
      • Watch the following videos (estimated time for going through materials 20 minutes):
      • Video 4 (Impactful presentations 3 – design impactful visual visuals)
      • Video 5 (Impactful presentations 4 – design useful text visuals)
      • Video 6 (Impactful presentations 5 – deliver with strong nonverbals)

      In class:

      • Impactful openings and closings
      • Using nonverbals effectively
      • Feedback on P2


      TUESDAY, MAY 17 (Presentations, location U410b)

      Before class: Prepare Assignment P3: Conference presentation first version

      In class: Assignment P3 presentations in small groups (12.15-15.00)


      MONDAY, MAY 23 (V001, Ekonominaukio 1)

      Presentation conference day 1, 9.00-16.00

      Due in class: Assignment P4: conference presentation second version (on the day you present)


      TUESDAY, MAY 24 (Hitchkock 330, Otakaari 1)

      Presentation conference day 2, 9.00-16.00

      Due in class: Assignment P4: conference presentation second version (on the day you present)


    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      URL icon
      Course feedback survey URL