ARK-E5522 - Digital Speculative Urbanism Lecture D, Lecture, 6.9.2022-11.10.2022
This course space end date is set to 11.10.2022 Search Courses: ARK-E5522
Topic outline
We are using only the following MyCourses page: ARK-E1020 - Studio Autumn, Computational Methodologies for distributing the course info (all needed information concerning schedule, tasks, assignments is shared on the studio page):
The lecture course is compulsory part of the design studio and cannot be taken separately!
Within the lecture course we focus on the computational skill building element. The course lays it emphasis on the exploration of immersive data interaction in abstract and large scale through the integration of computational methods and workflows in VR.
Through a series of lectures, hands-on sessions as well as skill-building inputs, the course will enable you to get an insight into the possibility of integrating diverse computational methods (Rhino and Grasshopper, Unity, Houdini and other programming environments) and a huge set digital tools into your workflow.
Point clouds + Data gathering = Context >>> Abstraction/ Narrative/Storytelling >>> Spatial modeling >>>VR