Osion kuvaus

  • Programme and registration

    Registration by 30.5.2023: https://link.webropol.com/ep/doctoralorientationjune23 (or by the personal link sent to all new doctoral students by email)

    We know that some of you have already begun your studies, some of you are just starting and some of you are somewhere in between. We hope to be able to offer something to everybody.  We encourage you to continue keeping in touch with your fellow students also after the orientation.

    You are most welcome to start your doctoral studies at Aalto!

    On behalf of all doctoral education services,
    Minna Söderqvist & Tiina Kotti

    Questions? please contact udes@aalto.fi

    Orientation programme June 2023

    Orientation Days are held on campus. However, it is possible to follow some parts of the programme remotely as well. If you are not in the Helsinki region during the Orientation, but would like a chance to follow the presentations online, please email udes@aalto.fi by 28.5.2023.

    Day I: Monday 5.6. 9:30-16:45 + social programme
    Hall Q101, Väre, Otaniementie 14

    9:30-11:00       Welcome to start your doctoral studies!           

    11:00-12:30     Tutor groups meet, lunch (self-paid)* 

    12:30-14:00     Schools' programme (CHEM, ELEC, ENG & SCI)

    CHEM: Hall Ke3, Kemistintie 1 
    ELEC: Hall TU6, Maarintie 8 
    ENG: L102, Väre, Otaniementie 14 
    SCI: Deloitte (U119), Otakaari 1

    14:15-16:45     Practicalities and experiences


    evening                 Aallonhuiput's social programme

    Day II: Tuesday 6.6.2023 9:15-12:00 Mordor, A Grid, Otakaari 5

    9:15-10:00        Moving to Finland & Aalto newcomers

    10:10-12:00      Research services for doctoral students

    12:00-13:30      Tutor groups meet, lunch (self-paid)*     


    13:30-15:00      Doctoral Q&A and DPSP/Sisu clinic, Q103, Väre, Otaniementie 14
    Stop by if you need help with your DPSP or Sisu, or have any other questions

    * For students who registered to participate in the tutor group programme