CHEM-E7190 - Process Dynamics and Control D, Lecture, 24.10.2022-8.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2022 Search Courses: CHEM-E7190
Topic outline
CHEM-E7190 is an introductory course on modern process control
We study the mathematical principles and the basic computational tools of state-feedback control to manipulate a process system using a model of its dynamics and instruments. Because based on a state-space approach, the design of the controllers develops strongly on the physical modelling and intuition of the process systems and their sensors: The physics is in the form of differential equation models (ODEs mainly, for balance equations), while the measuring instruments are in the form of algebraic equations (equalities). The basis for designing optimal controllers and observers is then developed from an understanding of the process model in terms of its stability, controllability, and observability.
- Introduction to process system analysis
- Model types and properties;
- Model representations.
- Mathematical modelling of process dynamics using differential equations and process instruments using algebraic equations
- State-space representations;
- Dynamics and stability of linear time-invariant systems;
- Linearisation of nonlinear systems around a fixed point.
- Synthesis of state-feedback controllers
- Controllability and reachability;
- Controllability tests;
- Eigenvalue placement;
- Optimal control with the linear quadratic regulator;
- Full-state observers from sensor data
- Observability and detectability;
- Observability tests;
- Optimal state estimation with the Luenberger observer.
The course brings an understanding of feedback control in process systems, while showing how this approach can be used in general application domains in chemical and bio-chemical engineering.
Learning outcomes
- Dynamic process models based on input-output and state-space representations;
- Process dynamics and stability of linear time-invariant process models;
- Controllability and observability of linear time-invariant process models;
- Feedback control and the synthesis of linear quadratic regulators.
Course evaluation: To pass CHEM-E7190 you must pass the exam (65% of the total points) and return the solution to the exercises as assignments (35%). The final assessment (the grade) is thus given by the (rounded) weighted sum of the examination's assessment (weight 65%, the examination grade gets multiplied by 0.65) and the assessment of the exercises (weight 35%, the exercises' grade gets multiplied by 0.35).
- The course examination is a standard pen-and-paper exam (see Aalto's guidelines);
- The exercises are equally weighted and unreturned exercises will receive a grade equal to zero.
You can use the following three recent exams as reference: 1) Oct 2019; 2) Dec 2019; 3) Feb 2020; and ...
About the exercises/assignments (35%)
For each exercise, one report with your solutions;- Include your results and your code;
- Include high-quality diagrams;
- Discuss your solution/code.
Only use PDFs (If you have multiple files, merge them. If you use MSWord or else, save as PDF).
Collaboration policy: We encourage you to collaborate in figuring out answers and help others solve the problems, yet we ask you to submit your work individually and explicitly acknowledge those with whom you collaborated. We are assuming that you take the responsibility to make sure you personally understand the solution to work arising from collaboration.
About the exercise sessions
Exercises are kept in a classroom but you get help during the exercises from Zoom:
Grading scheme (0-100 MC to 0-5 SISU conversion)
5 < -- [88,100) 4 < -- [76,88) 3 < -- [64,76) 2 < -- [52,64) 1 < -- [40,52) 0 < -- [00,40) Course material: The course is based on lecture slides and hand-written notes; both will be uploaded here. The material is mostly based on the following textbooks:
- Process dynamics and control, by D. Seborg (2016);
- Feedback systems: An introduction for scientists and engineers, by K. Åstrom and R. Murray (2010).