Weekly Workshops are held at Otakaari 1 in M205 (Tuesdays and Thursdays 12.30-15.45). In addition, students complete weekly assignments according to strict deadlines. This course applies a flipped-class approach (e.g., prep-work to be completed before coming to class).

A needs survey will be distributed to students who receive a place on the course. To be completed before the course begins.

First workshop: 28 February 12.30-

For successful participation, you need to bring your own draft text to class, be prepared to work on your text and receive and provide peer-feedback.
3 ECTs = 81 hrs/6 weeks --> Reserve appro. 13.5 hrs/week for this course in your schedule.

Please see syllabus and SISU for more information.

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 9:49 AM