Week 7: 12.2-18.2.2024


  • Themes: Business model as an arena for innovation: Incremental, radical and disruptive innovation. Business model patterns
  • Learning objectives: Develop business model cases further by combining different design patterns, and creating new business model prototypes

TUESDAY 13.2.2024


  • EITHER Christensen, C. M., Bartman, T., & Van Bever, D. (2016). The hard truth about business model innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(1), 31.
  • OR Evans, S., Vladimirova, D., Holgado, M., Van Fossen, K., Yang, M., Silva, E. A., & Barlow, C. Y. (2017). Business model innovation for sustainability: Towards a unified perspective for creation of sustainable business models. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(5), 597-608.

Notes: Business model is both a vehicle for innovation and a subject to innovate itself! In this course we will use Business model innovation as an integrative construct - it binds together the content of the course (similarly as the concept of value). The two articles take a life cycle perspective and sustainability/systems perspectives to business model innovation. The main point of the readings is that business model innovation has certain special dimensions that have not yet been fully covered in the extant (product and process) innovation literature.

Tuesday materials


THURSDAY 15.2.2024


  • Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., & Csik, M. (2013). The St. Gallen business model navigator. Available:
  • Bocken, N. M., Short, S. W., Rana, P., & Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes. Journal of cleaner production, 65, 42-56.
Thursday materials
Instruction video:
Miro Group H01:
Miro Group H02:
Miro Group H03:

Notes: The greatest challenge in business model innovation is to overcome the dominant logic of your industry. In Thursday workshop, we will use an approach inspired by architecture and software design - design patterns - to address the challenge. The two readings give background to the workshop - the Bocken article especially in the domain of sustainable business models.

Last modified: Thursday, 15 February 2024, 9:13 AM