Suitable materials:

  1. Solid wood.
  2. Wood-based sheet material (plywood, MDF, chipboard).
  3. Many plastic sheets and profiles.

Before sawing:

  1. Check that the workpiece contains no stones or metal, nails, staples, or similar.
  2. Adjust the blade height to approximately 10 mm above the material to be cut.
  3. Place the top guard as close to the piece as possible.
  4. Make sure no one is behind the sawing line. Do not stand in the sawing line.
  5. Always wear eye and hearing protection.


  1. Adjust the guide rail to the desired mesure, lock the sliding sledge.
  2. Push the workpiece firmly against the table and guide rail.
  3. Dont put your fingers near rotating blade, use pushstick.
  4. Use the pushtick and push the workpiece between the blade and guide rail.
  5. Push the workpiece against the guide rail only up to the center of the blade. Push the workpiece all the way behind the blade.
  6. Do not use cutting and splitting rails simultaneously.
  7. Turn off the machine and wait that the blade is fully stopped. Clean up the leftover pieces. Never remove pieces by hand when machine is running.


When cutting, there is two ways to define desired measurements:

  1. To use measurements on cutting rail or to use splitting rail.
  2. Splitting rail is recommended to use for cutting only if the workpiece is short (less than 20cm) or if you are cutting several small pieces. When using the splitting rail it is important to move it behind the blade so working piece cant get tilted between the blade and splitting rail.

  3. Turn off the machine.
Last modified: Monday, 24 January 2022, 2:51 PM