Chemical safety in a nutshell, hazard symbols and clauses. For more information, see the studio-specific instructions.

Know what you are doing

  • Get to know the new material with the workshop master. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDC) is always required for every chemical in use. It is registered in the Set Design Workshop’s chemical register.
  • The Material Safety Data Sheets are stored in a folder at the ATEX -painting room and welding room.
  • Read the MCDC and consider:
        • Hazard symbols and H-clauses, what is the worst thing that could happen?
        • How to handle the chemical and prevent exposure?
        • Which protective equipment should be used?
        • What kind of first aid equipment can be found in the room, for example, an eye wash solution.
  • Precautionary principle: all dyes are harmful.
  • Read more about chemicals’ hazard symbols and statements (below).
  • Always ask for help if you are unsure of how to use the chemical.

Follow the occupational safety instructions and protect yourself with the equipment required by your work.

Hazard symbols:


Hazard clauses:

H222                   Erittäin helposti syttyvä aerosoli. / Extreamly flammamble aeorosol.        

H225                   Helposti syttyvä neste ja höyry. / Highly flammable liquid and vapor.

H229                   Painesäiliö: Voi revetä kuumennettaessa. / Pressurised container: May burst if heated.

H272                   Voi edistää tulipaloa; hapettava. / May intensify fire; oxider.

H300                   Tappavaa nieltynä. / Fatal if swallowed.

H302                   Haitallista nieltynä. /Harmfull if swallowed.

H304                   Voi olla tappavaa nieltynä ja joutuessaan hengitysteihin. / May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.

H310                   Tappavaa joutuessaan iholle. / Fatal in contact with skin.

H314                   Voimakkaasti ihoa syövyttävää ja silmiä vaurioittavaa. / Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.

H315                   Ärsyttää ihoa. / Causes skin irritation.

H317                   Voi aiheuttaa allergisen ihoreaktion. / May cause an allergic skin reaction.

H318                   Vaurioittaa vakavasti silmiä. / Cause seriuous eye damage.

H319                   Ärsyttää voimakkaasti silmiä. / Cause seriuous eye irritation.

H334                   Voi aiheuttaa hengitettynä allergia- tai astmaoireita tai hengitysvaikeuksia. /

                            May cause allergy or astma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.

H336                   Saattaa aiheuttaa uneliaisuutta ja huimausta. / May cause drowsiness or dizziness

H400                   Erittäin myrkyllistä vesieliöille. / Very toxic to aquatic life  

H410                   Erittäin myrkyllistä vesieliöille, pitkäaikaisia haittavaikutuksia. /Very toxic to aquatic life with long last effects

H411                   Myrkyllistä vesieliöille, pitkäaikaisia haittavaikutuksia. / Toxiv to aquatic life with long lasting effects

H412                   Haitallista vesieliöille, pitkäaikaisia haittavaikutuksia. / Harmful to aquatic life with long last effects

Last modified: Thursday, 4 February 2021, 3:24 PM