The PdP Intro-lecture will take place next Wednesday, 15th September, at 16:15 at Design Factory Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C) or online via the zoom link:

We are following all the guidelines suggested by the Aalto Crisis Management Team. Therefore, we will have 75 seats available at our facilities. The seats will be occupied based on a "first-come, first seats" approach. According to the current number of enrollments in the course, all students should have a place. But if you want to be sure, we kindly recommend you to be on time. If there are no seats available, we will ask students at our facilities to follow the lecture remotely in other spaces at Aalto Design Factory. Join us remotely if you don't feel comfortable coming on-site or if you are experiencing any symptoms. 

This first lecture will introduce the course arrangements and teamwork in a new context to most participants:

  • Global and interdisciplinary team
  • Real development challenge
  • International partner universities
  • Budget for realizing your plans

Before the end of the lecture, the role of project managers/leaders will be explained, and a call for volunteers will be launched. The lecture ends with Q/A.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Last modified: Monday, 13 September 2021, 2:38 PM