ISM-E3002 - Capstone: Future-proofing supply chains, Lecture, 10.1.2023-16.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 16.02.2023 Search Courses: ISM-E3002
Student survey for group allocations
This survey is for all students, please fill this survey in before midnight on Monday the 9th of January. It is important all students fill in the survey by the deadline, so the teacher has time to allocate the groups before the first lecture on 10th.
The information you provide in this survey will be used by the teacher to allocate groups for the different company cases. Thus, in this survey, you are asked to provide your preferences regarding which one of the three cases they would like to work on. Please take a look at the 2-pager case description documents under each of the separate sections (see bar on left): case Reima, case Meluton and case Fazer, before filling in this survey so you know what the cases are about before entering your preference.
You are also asked to provide a brief background of your studies to facilitate group allocation.