ARK-E1020 - Studio Autumn, Irpin - The Future Horizon competition, Lectures, 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 15.12.2023 Search Courses: ARK-E1020
Official responses to queries received from participating student teams, ICAUS IRPIN
Completion requirements
After a thorough and detailed review and analysis process, I send you the document that contains the answers to your queries sent regarding the topics related to the preparation and final delivery of your architectural and urban proposals for our competition.
We sincerely hope that this time of intensive work for the development of your proposals is being productive, exciting and full of hope.
Our International Jury, the authorities together with your local community of the City of Irpin, Ukraine and our work team, are very eager to receive and review your proposals for this beautiful city.
Remember that the deadline for sending your participating proposals is before 8pm (CET) on Friday, December 18, 2023, which must be sent via email to the Director of the Contest through a link that accesses a Digital Folder in Google Drive.
We look forward to seeing your proposal on this date,
All the best for you,
Dear members of the student teams participating in our international competition,
I hope you are feeling excellent when you receive this email.
I hope you are feeling excellent when you receive this email.
After a thorough and detailed review and analysis process, I send you the document that contains the answers to your queries sent regarding the topics related to the preparation and final delivery of your architectural and urban proposals for our competition.
We sincerely hope that this time of intensive work for the development of your proposals is being productive, exciting and full of hope.
Our International Jury, the authorities together with your local community of the City of Irpin, Ukraine and our work team, are very eager to receive and review your proposals for this beautiful city.
Remember that the deadline for sending your participating proposals is before 8pm (CET) on Friday, December 18, 2023, which must be sent via email to the Director of the Contest through a link that accesses a Digital Folder in Google Drive.
We look forward to seeing your proposal on this date,
All the best for you,
Cristián Alfredo Wittig Grell
Director of International Contest, Irpin: The Future Horizon
Senior International Consultant Reconstruction City of Irpin, Ukraine
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Irpin Reconstruction Summit (IRS)
Director of Projects and Studies
Thought Group Chile
Ph: +56225802550
Cell: +56978090096
Click Official List of the Questions and Answers Process, International Contest, Irpin The Future Horizon, Final CAWG.pdf link to view the file.