CHEM3048.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari, Opinnäytetyö alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa CHEM3048.kand, 15.9.2021-17.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 17.12.2021 Search Courses: CHEM3048.kand
English workshop 2: sign up here!
Completion requirements
Sign up for one of the groups below. Remember to submit your text sample beforehand to section Palautukset / Submissions- English text samples, latest on Tue 23.11.
We'll meet on Zoom: |
Text sample 2:
- Title page of the thesis
- Table of contents
- 3-4 pages from the thesis
- List of references
Be prepared to share your text with the other students at the workshop.
Guests can't do anything here.