For Essay 1 select ONE of these topics:

  1. To what extent is the ROI analysis in PART 1 sufficient for making judgement calls on budget allocation? What else could or should be taken into account?
  2. Metacore has recently experimented with brand advertising (featuring actor Pedro Pascal). How should they approach understanding its effect? Would the impact be visible in the figures in PART 1?
  3. Compare attribution modeling and MMM as analytical methods and sources of information for marketing managers.

For Essay 2 select ONE of these topics:

  1. Reflecting on Wedel&Kannan(2016), discuss Excel as a tool for analysis in modern data-rich marketing environments.
  2. From the perspective of Menon&Varadarajan(1992), when and how are marketing analytics useful for organizations? Refer to class examples.
  3. From the perspective of Wierenga&al.(1999), discuss the worth of MMM as a MMSS. How is success determined?
You cannot do both essays from the same set of topics.

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