Topic outline

  • Sprint


    Tue 09:15-12:00

    Zoom Link

    Thu 14:15-16:00

    Zoom Link



     06.10 Pitch II

     08.10 Experimentation and prototyping



     13.10 Disruption

     15.10 Market Estimation

    exam week


     GLE Clinics and Team Reflection Meeting



     27.10 Pitch III

     29.10 Marketing



     03.11 Financials & Marketing

     05.11 Prototyping

    • Sprint 3:  Experimentation & prototyping, Marketing, disruption

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      Duration: 3 mins. Check more info by clicking the title. 

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      Ideas to improve your pitching in a little over 1 hour

      Click the header link to access resources for pitching.

    • Assignment icon

      Pitch - Present your problem. 3 minutes. 

      Please, come up with team name and have it in slide deck.

      In the first pitch, you can talk MOSTLY about the PROBLEM in this stage. No references to a solution can be done or minor references. Thus, the main content is the market/field you are working on (immersion canvas will help you with this), your potential users, their problems. If you have platforms, you should present all the platform sides: who, their needs or problems. If you have users and customers, present both. Also, at the end of the pitch, please, present a team: why this amazing team can solve this problem?

      We grade the first pitch based on how well you defined your users and their needs, the logic and comprehensibility, timing.

      The pitch deck must be included as a file, PowerPoint or PDF.

      Deadline for slides: Monday October 5, 23:59. 

      Upload your slides here. Name your file after group names (e.g. Group #1 XXXX)

      One person from the group uploads the slides.

      Current COO of the group cannot pitch.

    • Assignment icon

      Every team member ( including COO) : 1-2 min video reflection, post it in the group forum (not here)

      Then COO comments on the reflection before COO debriefing. 

      Please upload your video to vimeo, youtube or else, then post the link in your group forum. 

      Upload your reflection (1-2 min video) to your group forum by October 6, 23:59. 

      COO comments on team member's reflection by October 23:59. 

      Follow the instructions given here: 


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      COO debrief starts from 13:00 until 14:00. All COOs must attend the debrief. 

      Location: Zoom Link TBA

      Prepare to answer these questions : 

      1. describe how you were managing your teams during this sprint?

      2. how did you distribute the tasks?

      3. how you come up as a team with the topic for the venture? 

      4. did you face any challenges?

      5. what are you proud of as COO? what you would change?

      6. what kind of progress have you seen made so far? 

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      Introduction to market estimation and prototyping theory. 

      There will be home exercises. 

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      This is a group assignment. You will need to prepare individually and meet up with your teammates for 1 to 2 hours. 

      1.Book a 1,5-2 hour team meeting for mutual reflection and assessment. 

      2.Prepare individually for the meeting by reading the team values and Team Agreement and assessing how well have you been able to follow your values and agreement in your team and collaboration practice – what has worked well, and what practices and values have maybe not been followed so well?

      3.Discuss and share together with your individual perceptions and assessments in the meeting. Take care that everyone has an opportunity to tell and share. Adopt a dialogic and appreciative stance when listening to others. Agree on how you will take care of your good team practices, what will you pay more attention to, and what may be skipped. How to enforce your team values further?

      4.Take notes and submit a short summary of your discussion to MyCourses submission box no later than 9th of October

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      A workshop and lecture by Lauri Kokkila Inventure. 

      Pre-reading and materials are available in the description. 

      There are external links that would help you with the assignment and market estimation for the projects

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      Teams will have a short 30-minute session with Lidia to discuss about the routines and how teams have progressed so far with their routines. 

      All teams please reserve your booking, each team will have one slot to book. Follow the doodle link here: 

      Time slots: 

      Tuesday 20-10-2020 13:00-15:00 team 3, team 5, team 11, team 12 Zoom Link:

      Wednesday 21-10-2020 10:00-11:00 team 4, team 2 Zoom Link:

      Thursday 22-10-2020 13:00-15:30 team 7, team 6, team 1, team 8, team 10 Zoom Link:

      Before the meeting, please grade your own energy level using the file attached below in the discussion. It would help you to see where you are right now and hopefully we can discuss that during the meeting. 

    • Forum icon

      Teams choose a dedicated time slot suitable for their respective teammates. Take into account that ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT during the meeting with Jari and Satu. 

      More instructions will be given during week 42-43. 

      Link to Doodle:

      Time slots: 

      Tuesday 20-10-2020 9:00-11:30: Team 6, team 4, team 12, team 3 Zoom Link:

      Wednesday 21-10-2020 12:30-15:00: team 7, team 11, team 1, team 5 Zoom Link:

      Wednesday 21-10-2020 15:30-18:00: Team 8, team 2, team 10 Zoom Link:

    • Sprint 4: Market estimation & financials & sales

    • Assignment icon

      Use at least 2 of your prototypes, brochures or any other methods to pitch your idea and solution to potential customers or users. 

      The key of the exercise is to demonstrate and "test" how users would perceive your solution. 

      It's important that each member would have AT LEAST 5 interactions! 

      Each team will submit a report on the summary of what they learnt from the interactions and how they have presented their prototypes. One report per team. 

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      Exercise: Market estimate for your business. 

      Use the two different approaches to estimate the size and value of your market. Include any calculations eg as Excel spreadsheet or similar. Upload your assignment (one per team with team number in the title) in the corresponding section in MyCourses.

      We expect you to show two different methods of market estimation with a clear and rational explanation on how you make the calculations and the numbers. Use references wherever you can and display what you have learnt. It's important to have a good explanation for the numbers that you come up with if you cannot find a reliable source then use a good rationale to explain. 

      Refer to the Materials linked here

      We will GRADE this assignment. To be completed after lecture before 26.10

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      When you prepare the pitch, despite the pitch number, create a standalone pitch like the previous one was not happening. Because every time on pitching sessions you will have guests providing comments who didn’t hear your pitches before and don’t know about your field, topic, users etc. That is why you keep useful parts from the previous pitch (like your user persona and problems you are solving) and you add new content.

      Regarding the second pitch, you present your SOLUTION. But remember to include your problem statement and customer/user persona. Also, include your takeaway from disruption workshop and market estimation. Remember to incorporate the feedback that was given for the first pitch.

      Thus, the content is the market/field you are working on, your potential users, their problems, your solution, how does it solve their problems, market estimation, team. If you have platforms, you should present all the sides of the platforms: who, their needs or problems. If you have users and customers, present both. We are not yet looking for business models. Remember to introduce your team and what makes you guys special at the end of the presentation.

      Timing is again 3 min.

      We grade the second pitch based on how well you defined your users and their needs, solution description, your market estimation, the logic and comprehensibility, timing. Deadline Monday 26.10.2020 23:59.


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      This time, the content is the market/field you are working on, your potential users, their problems, your solution, how does it solve their problems, market estimation, team. If you have platforms, you should present all the sides of the platforms: who, their needs or problems. If you have users and customers, present both. We are not yet looking for business models. Remember to introduce your team and what makes you guys special at the end of the presentation.

      Every team will have 3 minutes to pitch and receive feedback from guests and AVP professors. 

      The order of pitches will be announced on that day. 
    • Assignment icon

      Every team member ( including COO) : a short essay max 2 pages, post it in the group forum (not here)

      Then COO comments on the reflection before COO debriefing. 

      Please upload your essay on the forum by uploading the file or sharing a link to a word doc.

      Upload your reflection (max 2-page essay) to your group forum by October 27, 23:59. 

      COO comments on team member's reflection by October 28 23:59. 

      Follow the instructions given here:


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      COO debrief starts from 13:00 until 14:00. All COOs must attend the debrief. 

      Location: Zoom Link TBA

      Prepare to answer these questions : 

      1. describe how you were managing your teams during this sprint?

      2. how did you distribute the tasks and exercises?

      3. What kind of progress has been made regarding the solution? 

      4. did you face any challenges? Did you overcome said challenges? Any problems in the future? 

      5. what are you proud of as COO? what you would change? 

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      Create a short pitch for sales about your startup’s solution. This pitch is targeted to your potential new customer, and the goal of the pitch is to create and raise interest among your potential customer toward your solution, and ideally to convert this potential customer to a customer

      • One pitch per team.
      • Mention before your actual sales pitch to who is this pitch targeted to.
      • Length of the sales pitch 30 seconds / short text.
      • Deliverable: you can decide the format of deliverable (e.g. pdf or link to video) 

      We will GRADE this assignment 

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      One of the most important people to get your business flourish are your customers! How you will get your first customers? Draft a journey of your startup’s new customer acquisition (=from sales perspective)

      The goal of this exercise is, that you have drafted the process that moves leads into customers (and you see, how you can convert your market estimation numbers into action).

      Deliverable: a short, max 1-2 pages pdf, where you describe the main points of the new customer acquisition process
      The expectation is a short description of the process, not detailed sales (or marketing) plan.

      One report per team.