ELEC-E4420 - Microwave engineering I, Lecture, 10.1.2022-17.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 17.03.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E4420
Within this topic we will recap and deepen the knowledge of the transmission line theory which has already been discussed in the Bachelor's level course Piirianalyysi II (Circuit analysis II) and the Electromagnetic fields course. Transmission lines take place nearly in all microwave devices. The most common type of a transmission line is a coaxial cable which are used, for example, in television, WiFi modem, measurement devices etc. In microwave engineering, microstrip lines are very important as they can be directly integrated on the printed circuit boards. Hence, we will also concentrate on the design of microstrip lines.
The dedicated intended learning outcomes of Topic1 are:
- The student is able to explain
the wave propagation of a radio-frequency signal in transmission lines
(such as signal propagation, attenuation, reflection), and
- He/she can calculate and simulate
(AWR) related circuit parameters (such as voltage, current, power,
characteristic impedance, loss, reflection coefficient) related to
transmission lines,
- He/she is able to design transmission lines (such as microstrip lines) with calculations and simulations (AWRDE).
In this topic one should command the following subjects of the course book:
- Transmission line model, telegraph equations, wave equations and its solution (Pozar Chapter 2.1)
- Connection between the transmission line theory and electromagnetic field theory (Pozar Chapter 2.2)
- Wave propagation along a transmission line and characteristic impedance (Pozar Chapter 2.1 and 2.7)
- Microstrip line (Pozar Chapter 3.8)
- Voltage reflection from an impedance discontinuity and standing wave along a transmission line (Pozar Chapter 2.3)
Please, read this document carefully.
Topic 1 consists of Problems 1-4.
- The student is able to explain
the wave propagation of a radio-frequency signal in transmission lines
(such as signal propagation, attenuation, reflection), and