Topic outline

  • Our split will be having its lectures and weekly group tutoring meetings here:

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      The weekly schedule has the following logic:

      • Week 1 (User research): Observation and analysis of people's co-located interactions in a selected everyday setting.
      • Week 2 (Google Design Sprint): Day-by-day refining of user research observations to a concept of an interactive product, and its rapid user evaluation.
      • Week 3 (Interaction prototyping pt. 1): Development of the product concept towards an interactive prototype, sketched as two competing design alternatives.
      • Week 4 (Interaction prototyping pt. 2): Detailed design of the two design alternatives into prototypes that can be compared in a small scale A/B testing. Beginning of the preparations for user evaluation.
      • Week 5 (User evaluation): Evaluation of the two alternative designs against each other with user tests.
      • Week 6 (Wrapping up): Fine-tuning of the winning desing and preparing a reflective report about the project.

      Each week follows roughly the following schedule:

      • Monday will be lecture-focused. It provides the necessary starting points for the week's activities and also small in-class exercises.
      • Tuesday to Friday morning involves group work. There will be a 30-minute group tutoring session each week with Antti with every group. 
      • Friday afternoons are reserved for short group presentations, joint discussion and reflection
      There will be also reading materials that support each week's learning, and which will be discussed together either on Monday or Friday.

      Week 2 is an exception: it requires participation at 9:00-10:00 on Monday (for the sprint kickoff), and 9:15-9:30 on every morning from Tuesday to Friday (when there is a designated task for each day), following Google's Design Sprint: 

      Google has also published a book about Design Sprint (Knapp et al. 2016: Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days).

    • Assignment icon

      Evaluation plan template: see Monday's slides from Week 4

    • Not available unless: You belong to a group in Split S
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      Open discussion - Split S Forum

      Free discussion space for Split S matters

    • Folder icon

      Presentations from Monday and Friday sessions.