Topic outline

  • General

    • THIS APPLIES TO ONLY THOSE of you who did not attend the lectures during the entire course week, please submit your independent work assignments as a separate zip folder in the folder "Extra assignment_upload here" . It should show on the mycourses page. Write your last name: in each document name, in the beginning of the essay & in the document name of your folder.

      Submit before the end of 2023. Credits should arrive within a week after submitting except be prepared to delays during the Holidays.

      You can find the instruction of the assignments here and in this folder (INDEPENDENT WORK).


      Theory, Art and Artistic Practices 1 (ELO-E1011)


      Department of Film, Television and Scenography.

      ELO, Aalto University.



      Dates: 04-08.12.2023

      Responsible teachers: Prof. Susanna Helke/Prof. Arturo Delgado Pereira

      Teaching Language: English

      Credits: 2 cr.

      Email: /




      Please send all material to the teachers by uploading them in a folder “INDEPENDENT WORK” in mycourses by the end of December 2023.

      Credits will be given within a week from submitting the materials. If you need them faster, please email us both!


      1. Read the syllabus carefully to familiarize yourself with the scope and objectives of the course.


      1. Write an essay (2-3 pages) reflecting on Scott Mackenzie’s Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures. This includes reading the intro + 2 manifestos of your choice and writing an essay reflecting on them. Please analyze the main points and find the relevance of the texts for contemporary filmmaking. You can also point out shortcomings: what does not apply to the contemporary context, for your own work, and why some elements are not relevant.


      1. Write a Manifesto. A form and style are free. The essential element is to express your personal "cinema principles". Inspiration can be drawn from the different manifestos in MacKenzie's book, but find your own passions, how and why you make films and what is, essentially, at stake for you in filmmaking. See the instructions below.  


      Manifesto Assignment Prompt


      -       Write a film manifesto that expresses your deepest convictions about filmmaking: creatively, aesthetically, politically.


      -       You are free to decide the kind of writing/form, or even performance, that will suit your manifesto best. The manifesto should not exceed one A-4 page (if you decide on that form)


      -       Read the INTRO to Scott Mackenzie’s Film Manifestos and at least two of the manifestos from the book (In MyCourses → Materials) to familiarize yourself with film manifestos.


      -       Think about your practice, what it means to you, what/where are your most profound connections and convictions, what you would like your filmmaking to be, etc. and write in the form of a manifesto. You can also focus on one aspect of filmmaking instead of film in general.



      4.   RESEARCH WITHIN PRACTICE                 

      -Familiarize yourself with the course slides (mycourse     FOLDER:WHY_THEORY_WITHIN_PRACTICE)

      -       Read the chapter 7 (starting from the p. 140) of Henk Borgdorff’s book Conflict of the Faculties (can be found in mycourses FOLDER: EXTRA MATERIALS).


      -       Try to detect principles of artistic research & practice-led research discussed during the course. Based on this material and your own thinking, write a short essay (max 2 pages) on the theme: How can a filmmaker/an artist do research? Give the essay your own title. You can reflect on your own process of thinking about your possible approach to your MA thesis. How can you connect your filmmaking practice and theorizing/research, what kind of artistic research/or practice-led or practice-based research questions could you propose? The aim is to think your own (possible) approach to your MA thesis and your own relation to theory/research.