MUO-E3059 - Design Strategy and Innovation, Lecture, 23.4.2024-31.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 31.05.2024 Search Courses: MUO-E3059
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Topic outline
Slide Material will be uploaded throughout the Week.
Slide Material will be uploaded throughout the Week. Please Check Wk. 3. Day 1. 3. Folders.
Premise: Visually Mediated Scenarios (incl., simulations and prototypes) are explicit cultural models of risk and opportunity. They are a key to individual and collective insight and foresight which can greatly enhance innovation processes and entrepreneurial practices.
Material will be placed in the Wk. 5. Folders throughout the week.
Please consider the following for your team-base case presentation on Friday the 31st. of May and the final report due on latest Wk. 7. day 5. (Friday the 7th. of June).