26E04350 - Business Model Design, Lecture, 9.1.2024-15.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 15.02.2024 Search Courses: 26E04350
MODULE 1 (week 3)
WEEK 3: 15.1.-21.1.2024
12-14.00 JENNY JA ANTTI WIHURIN RAHASTO - V001, Ekonominaukio 1
Mandatory materials/readings:
- Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems. https://youtu.be/0iIh5YYDR2o (video)
- Crane, A., Palazzo, G., Spence, L. J., & Matten, D. (2014). Contesting the value of “creating shared value”. California management review, 56(2), 130-153. (available in google scholar - if you cannot access the article, please email taija.turunen@aalto.fi!)
Notes: Please first watch the video and then read the article! Remember to read Porter's and Crane et al.'s debate also (in the end of the article). The idea here is to "detrivialize" and critically analyze the concept of shared value. The concept sounds great when viewed from surface level, but when you dig a bit deeper, you will see a lot of complex paradoxes. But this should not be paralyzing: together, the vision of shared value, and the critique, form a tension (of course!) which inspires our thinking!
Additional video material (not compulsory, but very beneficial):
Sustainable Business Model Innovation using the Business Model Canvas - Michelin Case Study (3 min)
Sustainable Business | Frank Wijen | TEDxErasmusUniversityRotterdam (16:48 min)
Business Model Canvas Example, Interface Case study on Sustainable Business Model Innovation (5:12 min)
Tuesday slides and videos
Introduction & Practicalities slides
MODULE1: Detrivializing Shared Value
Mandatory readings
- Bocken, N. M. P., Rana, P., & Short, S. W. (2015). Value mapping for sustainable business thinking. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(1), 67-81.
Notes: This
is a practical article which presents a very nice tool that has gained a
lot of traction in business model domain. Read the article carefully,
on Thursday's workshop we will be running a similar workshop (some
additions to the method, of course ;)
Video instructions for Thursday Workshop
is a video giving you instructions on what to do in the Thursday
workshop. On Tuesday we will divide you to teams that we will use for
this week (each week, different team). With your team, you will select a
case (instructions given on Tuesday), do a little bit background work before Thursday (about 0,5h for everyone).
Then on Thursday we will complete a workshop.
will use the same instruction videos from previous year, so there might
be some mismatches on days, but the core idea how do complete the exercise has not changed)
(NOTE: Although we say in the video that you need a Miro account - you don't! )
Miro board links and instructions for the workshop
- Thursday instruction video: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/pluginfile.php/2175460/mod_page/content/17/businessmodeldesign2021_workshop1_instructions.mp4
- Please note that: 1) no Miro account needed (the video says you need one but actually you do not need it) and 2) in the video we use team A, B, C, ... - but in this course we use team 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Thursday workshop cases and H01 Groups, H02 Groups, H03 Groups
- Thursday Miro-board link: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN9kuf0Y=/?share_link_id=194326553767
Can't access academic articles? Here is a video help :) It was created for IDBM Challenge but the same logic works of course in this course.