Learning outcomes
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
Teaching Methods
- Karjalainen, A., Alha, K., Jutila, S. (2006). Give me time to think - determining student workload in higher education. Oulu, Finland: Oulu University Press.
- Eva
Kyndt, Inneke Berghmans, Filip Dochy & Lydwin Bulckens (2014) ‘Time is not
enough.’ Workload in higher education: a student perspective, Higher Education
Research & Development, 33:4, 684-698, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2013.863839
Check the publication lists for interesting
topics like blended learning; massive open online courses; flipped classroom:
educational technology; technology-enhanced learning; threshold concepts;
problem solving; authentic learning environments
- Dr.
Christian Stöhr, http://ait.gu.se/kontaktaoss/personal/Christian_Stohr
- Prof.
Dr. Tom Adawi, http://ait.gu.se/kontaktaoss/personal/tom_adawi
Writing masters/doctoral thesis