Topic outline

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      • Course intro and administrative matters. 
      • Composites; material property envelope; fibres; matrices; interface; manufacturing; applications; basic concepts

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      To join the Zoom session for Monday's class starting at 13:15, please follow this link:

      The topics covered today are:

      • Fibre ‘architecture’
      • Volume fraction and the rule of mixtures
      • Principle of load sharing and reinforcement
      • Long or short? The effect of reinforcement geometry on elastic stress transfer and reinforcement processes

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      To join the Zoom session,  please follow this link:

      • A little more about stress transfer
      • Reinforcement by slip
      • Conditions for fibre fracture
      • The effect of fibre behaviour on composite micromechanics

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      To join the Zoom session beginning at 13:15, please follow this link:

      We will cover:

      •Axial and transverse elastic deformation in long-fiber composites
      •Off-axis deformation in long-fiber composites
      •Multi-ply laminates
      •Strength and failure in long-fiber composites
      •Compressive failure in composites 

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      To access today's Zoom session, please use this link:

      Today we will cover: 

      • Importance of toughness in engineering materials
      • Cracks and crack-like defects
      • Properties of cracks
      • Interfaces and crack-blunting
      • Toughness and energy
      • Energy absorbing mechanisms in composites   

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      Here is an earlier exam paper as an example. We will adapt the paper slightly to cater for the "home exam" format, but this should give you an idea of the types of question that might be asked!


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      Hi all, 

      Here is the home exam!

      Please follow the instructions carefully and return your answers by 17:00 on Monday 26th October. I will set up a "return box" shortly. If your have any questions or have any difficulty returning the work in MyCourses, please contact me or Jon by email.