CS-EJ3211 - Machine Learning with Python D, Lectures, 29.5.2023-17.7.2023
This course space end date is set to 17.07.2023 Search Courses: CS-EJ3211
You can find the Python notebooks containing the coding exercises at https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi/. Choose server option "CS-EJ3211 Machine Learning with Python (2023)".
Notebook "0_Intro.ipynb" contains an introductory notebook that is not graded. Its purpose is to get you familiarized with basic Python programming and using the Python notebooks for the coding exercises in Notebooks 1 - 6:
- Notebook 1 - "Components of Machine Learning"
- Notebook 2 - "Regression"
- Notebook 3 - "Model Validation and Selection"
- Notebook 4 - "Classification"
- Notebook 5 - "Clustering"
- Notebook 6 - "Dimensionality Reduction"
Submit notebooks at https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi/
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