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      Regarding the course participant’s own areas of interest or academic profile we ask them to observe and document for a period of time (10.01.19-17.01.19) different subjects that have an impact on their daily routine. The observations should be from a personal perspective, such as a visitor, artist, influencer, developer, etc.

      The participants will collect insights (Min. 5) on how they experience architecture, art, design or mathematical expressions, every day for a period of 7 days.

      The purpose of this pre-group work assignment is to make the participants to pay attention to their surroundings and reveal insights leading to ideas and suggestions for further concepts. These pre-group work assignments materials will be used during the course process.

      • Document different places, situations, phenomena that could have a relationship direct or indirectly with architecture, art, design or mathematical expressions. Describe the impact of these observations on your daily routine. e.g. Personal experience, practical effect, emotional impact, happiness, curiosity, etc.

      • The media used for the documentation can be both written and or visual documentation.

      • The course participants are encouraged to collect and bring supportive materials, such as photos, articles found on local news, etc.

      Outcome: The participants are asked to write a short analysis about the chosen topics, and present to their own  groups. Return your analysis to MyCourses by 17th Jan.

      • Why did they choose these particular subjects?

      • How does the subject affect the lives of the users (customer, client, other?)

      • The participants are asked to identify an intuitive / emotional response to address the experiences described

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      This exercise is based on the group work performed on Tue 29th Jan. 
      • Each group got own box of tiles
      • Each group is expected to create at least 3 as different surface versions with the given tiles as possible
      • The content of the boxes are different and also benefit both mathematical issues and aesthetic elements in design
      • Work as a team and use all group members skills
      • Prepare to present 3 versions by pictures and brief justification by 7.2 (this assignment) to my courses by group name.
      • Feedback from this exercise is given at the end of lecture on 17th Jan

      NOTE: Only one person in each group needs to upload your answers to MyCourses, so please agree about this beforehand. Your outcomes should then be visible to other members as well.


    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Based on individual assignment part 1A, collective discussions and meetings, choose the most
      prominent subject / phenomena / interest area to be further developed into a concept that will serve as a
      base for the group creative work.

      Outcome: The group will have to build a 10 min. digital presentation (PDF) exposing the following aspects:

      • Why the group choose this particular subject?
      • How does the subject affect the lives of the users (customer, client, other)?
      • How this subject is relevant for other people?
      • Can the chosen subject be expressed or condensed on a single emotion?
      • Can the chosen subject be scaled or multiply?

      The presentation should be both written and visually informative.

      NOTE:  this assignment is the material for you to be presented on Thu 7th Feb during the contact meeting. The material has to be online by noon the same day ! Your presentation will then be ready for you to present at Stage. After the presentations you will get feedback from teachers and other groups. For the peer review, some instructions are provided in the 'Materials' section.

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      The 28.02.2019 you will have to present your concept as an statement of what are you going to be
      working on for the next months. The media or tools you are going to use later may diverge but your
      concept will remain the same till the end of this creative process.
      For the 28th be ready to present:

      -Max. 10 minutes of visual and verbal presentation
      -Short description of your concept (text)
      -Definition of the three questions I previously mentioned
      -Analysis of your approach
      -Underline keywords that supports your concept
      -Visualize your idea (Mood boards, images, videos, sound, etc.)
      -Be ready to defend the relevance of your concept.
      -You have to deliver a PDF document that contains your presentation

      •Because 10 minutes is a very short time, decide well within your team who is going to do the talking
      •Prepare well for you presentation and avoid “silent gaps” when you are presenting
      •Give interesting images and words that the audience will easily remember

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      Now that each team has present their concepts and direction to follow, the next weeks are going to be about experimenting with shapes and materials, producing mockups and testing construction ideas in order to get the final forms and ways of implementation for your work.


      This new task is divided in two stages:


      A- SHAPE                                                     (Presentation 19.03.2019)

      B- MATERIALITY                                          (Presentation 28.03.2019)




      SHAPE 19.03.2019


      You are asked to produce a scale model representing what your final piece is going to be, you can use any material that suits your concept and construction technics that are easy to handle within your team.

      Is not necessary to build the environment where your piece is going to be placed, but you should go in detail about the next aspects:


      -    Size

      -    Location for installation

      -    Idea for the installation of your work (On a pedestal, suspended from the ceiling, on a surface, etc.),

          the technical details on how to install, will be developed together with our team.

      -    Supportive infrastructure (Audio, light, etc.)


      The models should be presented in scale 1:1 / 1:25 / 1:50 depending the size of the structures.


      Please make a .pdf presentation about this and upload it to MyCourses by 19th March noon.

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      MATERIALITY 28.03.2019

      According the form and aesthetics you want to achieve, we ask you to research on suitable surface materials for your piece, your choice should be presented among mockups and a further developed prototype.

      The prototypes should be presented in scale 1:1 / 1:25 / 1:50 depending the size of the structures.

      Please make a .pdf presentation about this and upload it to MyCourses by 28th March noon.

      Regarding the limited time we have before the exhibition takes place, we encourage you to strength the dynamics of your teams dividing tasks, and building a strict work agenda of course fulfilling the assignment you will be given within your teams.

      Clear communication and trust will be key elements during this last period of the course, you will have lots of work to do and lots of things to learn and apply at the same time.