Topic outline

  • General

    Status update 2024-04-22

    • All Wiki projects have been graded. 
    • For Wiki project grading and my detailed feedback, please see Final submission for the Wiki project (scroll down on the grading page to see the feedback).
    • Final grades for the course are visible in the Grades section. Minimum score for each grade: 
      • 90% or higher → 5
      • 80% or higher → 4
      • 70% or higher → 3
      • 60% or higher → 2
      • 50% or higher → 1
    Thank you for participating on the course and creating new content in Aalto Solid State Chemistry Wiki! I edited all Wiki pages during my review and you can see my modifications from  the page history (three dots in the upper right corner).

    • Week 1: Crystal structure

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      Structure of crystalline materials. Symmetry.

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      Structural databases, visualization of crystal structures.

    • Week 2: Bonding in solids

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      Electronegativity. Atomic/ionic radii. Description of crystal structures (coordination, close-packing, structure types).

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      Band theory. Band structures.

    • Week 3: Synthesis of solid-state materials

      Wiki project started this week. Please choose a topic by Monday 12.2. More instructions in the Wiki.

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      Phase diagrams and crystal growth

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      Solid state synthesis

    • Week 4: Characterization of solid-state materials

      No contact teaching on week 4. Additional lecture summary videos and Exercise set introductions are available. The exercise sets will have extended deadlines until Thursday 8.2. at 17:00.

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      Video length: 5 minutes.

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      Video length: 29 minutes.

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      Miller indices. X-ray techniques. Phase identification by powder XRD. Microscopies.

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      Video length: 23 minutes.

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      Spectroscopies and thermal analysis.

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      Video length: 8 minutes.

      Correction to one mistake in the video: In the SO2 exercise, I say that "SO2 is like water with S instead of O", but of course it is not. H2S would be like water with S instead of O. But the shape and point group (C2v) of SO2 are similar to H2O and therefore the vibrational modes are related to each other.

    • Week 5: Main group compounds

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      Geochemistry and abundance of elements. Minerals and mineral databases.

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      Main group compounds (allotropes, Zintl phases)

    • Week 6: d-block metal compounds

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      d-electrons and Ligand Field Theory

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      Magnetism and d-block compounds

    • Week 7: Defects and doping

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      Semiconductors, doping, electrical properties