CHEM-E4155 - Solid State Chemistry, Lecture, 12.1.2022-2.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 02.03.2022 Search Courses: CHEM-E4155
Structure of crystalline materials. Symmetry.
Structural databases, visualization of crystal structures
Electronegativity. Atomic/ionic radii. Description of crystal structures (coordination, close-packing, structure types).
Band theory. Band structures.
Phase diagrams and crystal growth
Solid state synthesis
Miller indices. X-ray techniques. Phase identification by powder XRD. Microscopies.
Spectroscopies and thermal analysis.
Geochemistry and abundance of elements. Minerals and mineral databases.
Main group compounds (allotropes, Zintl phases)
d-electrons and Ligand Field Theory
Magnetism and d-block compounds
Defects and solid solutions
Semiconductors, doping, electrical properties