
    • Sprint 1: Intro week + discovering a problem to solve

      The intro week consists of 3 separate sessions in week 1 and a team formation/hiring session in the second week. You need to participate in all first week sessions in order to join the course.

    • Sida icon
      To be completed before class:

      Pre-reading: watch videos on Customer and Value creation. 

      To be completed after class:

      Individual video assignment.: What do I want to learn. 

      Click on the heading to see both assignments.'

      Lecture slides:


      Course details

      Refresher (1 ECTS courses) info

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      Introduction to personal development and building a successful team.

      To be completed before class:

      Pre-reading assignment - 40 minutes of videos.

      Create your own lifeline before 9th of January.

      Create your future career description.

      Click on the header for information.

      To be completed after class

      My team member promise.

      Lecture slides: Team Building and Interaction (includes workshop results)

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Once you have read/watched all the material related to the Intro lecture, record a 1 minute video in which you tell what you would like to learn in the course, ie what kind of value you would like the course to create for you!

      Upload ink to the video about your learning goals for the course (you should upload the video on a video platform, eg Youtube or Vimeo) and then include a clickable link to the video here. Use a file for the link (eg PDF file).

      Deadline: Monday, Jan 14, 2019.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Team member promise is your personal plan and goal of what kind of team member you are wishing to be on the course. The team member promise will serve you as a reference point in the end of the course when you will reflect on your personal team experience. Write a description by taking the view of others: What would you like the others will tell about you as a team member after the course? How do you want that others will describe you as a partner is a team?

      Add your team member promise as a short file (txt, Word or PDF).

      Deadline: Monday, Jan 14, 21:00.

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      NOTE: Change in location: This session is kept in the Computer Science department building, T5 seminar room.

      To be completed before lecture:

      No pre-assignment

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      Special briefing for CEOs with Jari Ylitalo.

      Two times available: register here, first come first served: https://doodle.com/poll/9q5xbuahmgkqhs7i

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      Teams are formed in a hiring event where CEO's are responsible for forming teams for the course.

      To be completed before workshop

      You can be part of a course team ONLY IF

      - you have uploaded your personal CV here

      - participated in all 3 introductory lectures/workshops and completed the 2 personal assignments on time: Video and team member promise.

      To be completed after workshop 

      Sign course contract (paper version will be available for signing)

      Satu's slides 

      Håkan's slides

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      Introduction to pitching

      To complete before lecture

      Pre-reading: Video assignment

      Håkan's slides here.

    • Forum icon

      Present your problem. 3 minutes.

      The first pitch MUST be about a customer problem that your team wants to solve. No references to a solution can be done.

      The pitch deck must be included as a file, PowerPoint or PDF. If you use Google Slides to edit and manage your presentation, you need to download a version of the deck.

      Deadline for slides: Monday, Jan 21 21:00. 

    • Sprint 2: Validating the problem and developing company working methods

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      The basics for working in Startup Experience are the concepts of sprints, iterative work and experiments. 

      To complete before class

      Watch videos: Introduction to iterative work and Trello.

      Watch videos: Introduction to user research.

      Everyone should sign up for a Trello account. Trello can be used with a browser, but if you want to, you can also download and install a Trello client: https://trello.com/platforms .

      COO should create a shared board for the team and invite all other team members to join that board. The COO should also invite Håkan and Lidia to the board.

      In addition to the team board, you can have other boards such as personal boards in use.

      To be completed after class

      Set up the team Trello environment

      Session slides are here.

      Lean canvas editable template (.ppt)

    • Sida icon

      Analysing data that you have collected in interviews and experiments

      To complete before class

      Video pre-reading (click on header)

      Conduct sprint 2 interviews.
      Document your findings (instructions in the lecture on Thursday, Jan 24)

      Slides here.

    • Sida icon

      Moving your concept forward using experimentation and prototyping.

      To complete before class

      Watch two intro videos.

      Experimentation canvas here.

      Lecture slides here.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Short description of team workflow and how Trello will be used in order to support the workflow.

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      3 minutes.

      Deadline for slides: Monday, Feb 4, 21:00. 

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      For sprint 1/2 COOs

      Location: AVP Space, meeting rooms Hub and Central Park

      Note: Sessions starts 13:00, not 13:15.

      To complete before session

      Write sprint report, COO report template here

      Watch and comment on team member sprint reflection video.

    • Sprint 3

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      Juha Frey, CEO Netprofile

      To be completed before class:

      Pre-reading: watch intro video  

      To be completed after class:
      Prepare content plan as input for workshop on Feb 14.

      Juha's slides
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      Marco Mäkinen, TBWA

      To be completed before class:

      Pre-reading: watch videos disruption.

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      Maisa Mattila, Communications Expert, Netprofile

      Content plan and execution

      To be completed before class:

      Initial content plan based on Feb 7 lecture. 

      To be completed after class:
      Content creation assignment

      Maisa's slides

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Online marketing content, deadline Mon, Feb 25 21:00.

      - Content plan

      - 4-5 content pieces (4 for teams size 5, 5 for teams size 6). The idea is that everyone (except COO) will write one content piece. The piece means any type of marketing material for any channel - blog post, the poster with infographics, video, twit, article etc. You can make different materials for more/less the same channels. If you have video or smth else that you can't upload in MyCourses, you can upload pdf or doc. with a link. The material should be different, channels could be the same. One small notice - materials should follow the principles of inbound marketing - you shouldn't tell customers about your solution, instead -try to grasp customer's attention by talking about the topic, industry and users'  problems.

      - Please name your files with the team name or number!

    • Forum icon

      Deadline for video/slides: Feb 25, 21:00
      Deadline for progress report: Feb 24, 21:00 (let's try this out in this sprint as requested by you, the students)

      The sprint 3 pitch is delivered as video. Record your speaker presenting the pitch (3 minutes) in a suitable meeting room or class. 

      Ensure that the video has

      • Good audio quality
      • Slides can be seen

      Submit here

      1. a (clickable) link to the pitch video
      2. the slides

    • Sida icon

      For sprint 3 COOs

      Location: AVP Space, meeting rooms Hub and Central Park

      Note: Sessions starts 13:00, not 13:15.

      To complete before session

      Write sprint report

      Watch and comment on team member sprint reflection video.

    • Midterm exam

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      The midterm exam is a team exam where the whole team meets with Jari Ylitalo. 

      Book a time slot that works for your whole team! 


    • Sprint 4

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      How to estimate your potential market

      To be completed before class:

      Watch the introductory videos and read up on metrics.

      Lauri's slides

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      Editable platform business canvas here.

      When building prototypes, it is always a very good idea to test the prototype before taking it to real customers. In this workshop you will be testing one of your prototypes with your peers in the class.

      To be completed before class:

      Prepare a prototype (that you will then take to your customers/users for testing). For this session, the prototype should be such that it can be tested in the normall class environment.

      Bring the prototype to the lecture. You should have:

      • Experiment canvas prepared
      • Be prepared to shortly describe your prototype (purpose and design)
      • Be prepared to test the prototype with your peers in class. 
      • You will test with 3 other teams, so make sure you can redo the test 3 times. One test should optimally take about 10, no more than 15 minutes.

      To be completed after class:

      Complete the Experiment Canvas with the outcome of the tests with your peers.

      Implement possible changes to your prototype based on feedback from your peers.

    • Sida icon

      Market estimation workshop by VC company Inventure.

      To be completed before the lecture:

      Things you should know before the workshop

      • What is your product and your market?
      • Who is your paying customer (and user, if it is a different person)?
      • What is your assumption(s) for the business model?
      • What sales models are typical in your market? 
      To be completed after lecture:

      Market estimate for your business.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Estimating your market.

      Use at least two different approaches to estimate the size and value of your market. Include any calculations eg as Excel spreadsheet or similar.

    • Forum icon

      5 minutes,

      Deadline for slides: Mon March 11, 21:00

    • Sida icon

      For sprint 4 COOs

      Location: AVP Space, meeting rooms Hub and Central Park

      Note: Sessions starts 13:00, not 13:15.

      To complete before session

      Write sprint report

      Watch and comment on team member sprint reflection video.

    • Sprint 5

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      The Financing part will consist of 2 session with Tuomas Maisala, who is a startup advisor focusing on helping startups get early financing.

      To be completed before class

      Read the prework material

      To be completed after class

      Instructions in the lecture slides.

      Prepare a 20 minute investment negotiation with an investor/finanser of your choice. You should assume that the party you are negotiating with has seen your last pitch deck so do not (just) duplicate that content.

      Tuomas' slides here

    • Sida icon

      Making a video in 3 hours:

      • Script/plan
      • Storyboard
      • Shooting
      • Editing
      • Publishing
      To be completed before class

      Check out the pre-work videos

      Ensure that your team brings with you at least:

      • One camera for shooting the video (a good quality mobile phone is perfectly OK)
      • One computer with a video editing software that at least one person knows how to use (eg iMovie for Apple or from this list for Windows: https://www.oberlo.com/blog/best-free-video-editing-software). You can edit on a mobile phone, but that tends to be quite cumbersome and slow.
      • Additionally you could bring
        • External microphone
        • Tripod
        • Any other cool video gear you might own 

    • Sida icon

      The workshop format is your first funding negotiation with whoever you chose to approach:
      [bank/Business Finland Tempo funding/business angel]

      Each negotiation will be held on the stage with an expert acting as the chosen counterpart. Each negotiation is expected to last 20 min.

      To be completed before class

      The details of your negotiation can be found by clicking on the link.

      Deadline for sending your proposal to Tuomas is Tuesday, March 19 23:59. 

      To be completed after class

      Hand in updated financing plan (taking into account any feedback  that you get in the negotiation).

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Finance proposal updated after feedback from the negotiation exercise. 

      The material should contain:

      • Financing plan and rational
      • Proposal to finanser
      • Updated proposal deck

    • Forum icon

      5 minutes,

      Deadline for slides: Mon Mar 25, 21:00

    • Sida icon


      For sprint 5 COOs

      Location: AVP Space, meeting rooms Hub and Central Park

      Note: Sessions starts 13:00, not 13:15.

      To complete before session

      Write sprint report

      Watch and comment on team member sprint reflection video.

    • Sprint 6

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      Exploring the future. 

      Demos address is Mechelininkatu 3D, Helsinki. Find on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/WmaU7SLMAiK2, make sure you arrive well in time!

    • Forum icon

      The final pitch is part of your exam so the whole team must be present!

      In the session you will first have your final pitch.

      After the pitches, we will view all the product/concept videos. The videos cannot be part of the pitch and the pitch must not rely on the videos.

      Deadline for videos and pitch slides: Monday, April 8, 21:00

    • Sida icon

      For sprint 6 COOs

      Location: AVP Space, meeting rooms Hub and Central Park

      Note: Sessions starts 13:00, not 13:15.

      To complete before session

      Write sprint report

      Watch and comment on team member sprint reflection video.

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      Schedule a 1 hour meeting for your team with Jari using the above link to Doodle. 

      Whole team must be present.

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      The final personal exam is a 30 minute oral exam. Book your exam slot with these Doodles:

      Wednesday and Friday, two parallel exam sessions, choose your 30 min slot, two students can choose the same staring time:

      Doodle 1

      Thursday just one parallel session:

      Doodle 2